Automatic instant cereal food production line. Productivity of 100 kg / h (can be modifyed according to requirements)

How it works:
The raw (cereals) is fed to the mixture-conditioner 2 with the screw conveyor 1 for mixing and moistening before extruding. The device 3 for preparation and feeding of the components is provided for adding the supplements into the raw (vitamins and so on). The raw after moistening and mixing is poured into the feed hopper of extruder 4 from where it is feed with the screw batcher 5 into the working body of the extruder. The extractor 5 is set above the extruder for outflowing the steam released during its operation. We get the semi-finished product in form of the porridge stick at the exit of the extruder.
The semi-finished product with the conveyor 7 is fed to the crusher 8 and then, after the crusher, we get fined up to the required size product – fast-cooked porridge. There is pneumatic conveyor installed directly into the crusher, which feds the product from the crusher into the storage bins 10.
The product is fed form the storage bins to the mixer 11 with pneumatic conveyor, where there are spiral blades are set, which constantly rake up the product to the discharging hole through the screw conveyor 12. The product with this screw conveyor 12 is fed to the packing device 13. We get the finished product packed in consumer containers (polyethylene film) at the exit of the packing device and then, with the outflowing conveyor 14 it is fed to the packing table 15 for filling into the transport containers.
The line components:
1. Screw conveyorдляfor feeding cereals to the mixer-conditioner;
2. Mixer-conditionerfor mixing and moistening of cereals before extruding;
3. Device for preparation and feeding of the components;
4. Extruder EKP-250(with capacity of 110 kg / h – duringthe extrusion ofcorncerealsupto 60-70 kg / h – duringprocessingofbarleyorrice. Ventilation and cooling of extruder should be set in place. Power supply - 380 V, installed capacity ≈ 22 kW is required extractor and water supply for cooling the extruder. The speed converters for the main engine, cereal feed and stick length controllers are installed on the extruder;
5. Extractor;
6. Extruder control unit;
7. Pneumatic conveyor for semi-finished product;
8. Crusher-grinder;
9. Pneumatic conveyor;
10. Storage bins №1, №2;
11. Mixture;
12. Screw conveyor;
13. Packing device;
14. Belt conveyor;
15. Packing table.
Video equipment in operation:
It is possible to sale of particular items of the line under your choice by our recommendation.
Both the line and some of its components are certified.
Terms of production - 15 - 60 days, depending on the kitting.